1998 was the start of a killers' journey that no one could have ever anticipated - not his victims - Hae Min Lee, her family, or his unwitting accomplice NOR the killers family, his friends or the members of his Mosque. Yet, due to the perseverance of a family friend turned attorney - Rabia Chaudry - dedicated her life to get the killer released from prison; over the years pitching his claims of his innocence to Serial Podcast, who was the first to work with Chaudry; to Film Directors who produced a movie depicting Chaudry's version which was picked up by HBO; to the Innocence Project who currently represents the killer. ((Note: Chaudry received Producer credits for the making of the HBO film.))
Unfortunately, with the help of the Serial Podcast and social media presence by Chaudry - the killer has been set free. A result that could have only occurred due to the corrupt practices of Marilyn Mosby who is currently under indictment for multiple crimes.
While Hae Min Lee was an intelligent, confident and beautiful teenager at the beginning of her adult life doing all the things teenagers do - getting ready for prom, taking SAT's and preparing for college; her ex-boyfriend at the time of her disappearance & murder, Adnan Syed, had darker more deviant inclinations for the path he was starting on. This path began with thoughts he discussed with close friends that included what he would do with Hae Min Lee's body if he would ever kill her - which occurred while they were dating to the final planning and ultimate murder of Hae Min Lee after Hae Min Lee breaks up with him to date a co-worker.
Although, Syed was active within the Muslim community attending Mosque regularly and although he came from a good family with loving parents albeit a bit more strict than the norm - Adnan Syed was not the golden boy Chaudry, his family, or teachers thought he was. Hae Min Lee was beginning to see the signs of his emotional immaturity and self absorbed nature during & after their break up which she writes about in her diary. During their courtship Adnan Syed secures a job driving non-emergency transportation for the elderly to and from doctor appointments. He is 17 years old and he drives his own car. They communicate via BEEPERS and phone calls which are kept secret from his parents who do not want him dating. This is the first sign of rebelling against his Muslim faith where he continues to push the boundaries of his faith by starting to smoke marijuana with his friends regularly, stealing money from Mosque donations, attending clubs, dating multiple girls, gambling in Atlantic City and lying frequently to his parents in attempts to hide all of his teenage antics and maintain his golden-boy persona.
The beginning of the end and the fast deterioration of their relationship began when he lied to his parents about attending a dance with Hae at Woodlawn High School and his parents showed up causing a scene with Syed, with Hae Min Lee and had to be asked to leave for disrupting the dance. In her diary, we begin to see the shift that the religious conflict between the two becomes a point of fact that cannot be worked around. By the time mid December 1998 rolls around from the dance in late spring, early fall - Hae Min Lee has ended their relationship and has met her co-worker / new love interest. They plan on officially dating after the New Year and make plans for their first date. Hae Min Lee is excited and happy. Adnan Syed, is not. He is shocked that she broke up with him for dating "some white guy" and begins plans of his own. How could she? His plans are now in motion...
#adnansyed #HaeMinLeeJusticeUNDONE
I believe Adnans lie became so infused in his family relations & their tenacity trying to get him freed believing his original claim of innocence … is now so fully out of control he and Camp Syed can’t stop the train (even if they wanted to - short of @FBI interference/investigation/ indictments for fraud)
He can’t say he lied. He can’t confess. He would lose his fortune - his employee at Innocence Project not to mention he would create more legal woes for Rabia Chaudry O’Chaudry. Podcasts & the film labeled a “documentary” would need to be rewritten. All the gullible followers who chose to listen & follow but not research will be shocked and believe he was coerced.
The weight of the regret; inability to share his truth from the 17 year old self to the more mature man who has had years of incarceration to think on his actions... I can only imagine. To be trapped in this web without ability to finally accept responsibility - apologize - seek forgiveness - seek redemption - remains lost to him forever.
Adnan Syed will never truly be free. He is trapped in a Hell of his own making in large part with the assistance & perseverance of Rabia Chaudry. His scars will only get more painful and more difficult to bare with the passing of time.
#REGRETisFOREVER @ProsecutorsPod @AlissaFleck #ResistersUnited
Adnan Syed palm print on map; Hae Min Lee's blood on the shirt moved from the drivers side door to trunk, broken interior wiper switch, break up letter from HML to the killer – writing at the top of second page “I’m going to kill” in killers handwriting.
"On Thursday, December 31st I picked up Adnan from his work and dropped him off at Sears so he could pick up his car." Excerpt from HML diary.
I stand corrected!! The shared un redacted police copy sent to me DOES show that the *67 call occurred on January 15th, 1999. Further the AT&T faxed copy in the case files was apparently copied & pasted and erroneously reordered. The copy used in my research.
Updating all content and removing the incorrect cell phone log and theory presumption of the Pulmonary Service associated with it.
ALL other research and theories presented remain UNCHANGED!
THANK YOU to the individual who caught this MAJOR mistake. I apologize for my assumptions / theory based on the incorrectly dated phone data used from purported phone records being distributed online.
I also apologize to @serial for my assumption this call was purposefully left off their log as well as any individuals adversely affected by the promotion of this incorrect detail of the phone log data and it’s interpretation. Trace Lee. Writing Wrongs -including my own!!
Shows the deterioration of the relationship. HML breaks up with AS. Syed smokes marijuana. Syed goes to Atlantic City gambling. HML shows frustration with AS and his dealing with the break up. Altered diary entry - Sequence out of order from police copy - shows Syed smoking marijuana in the August sequence copied out of order on the killer's website where Chaudry does a disorganized document dump.
The killer begins to methodically plan the murder soon after his December run-in with the new boyfriend - Don.
1. How to get victim alone in her car
2. Where to murder victim?
3. Where to dispose of the body?
LEAKIN PARK. Evidence: Torn out page from map had the killer, Adnan Syed's, palm print on it inside Hae Min Lee's car. Map was of Leakin Park.
4. During his Dry Run which takes place on December 31, 1998 - Syed works out the details of the crime he is formulating to have Jay Wild be his unwitting accomplice - He has discussed killing HML with Jay Wild. Either JW knew the plan OR didn't believe that Adnan would go through with it. I believe he was waiting near the mall playing pool after he played video games with Pusateri brother.
5. During this time he realizes he will need a cellular phone to communicate with JW. The killer manipulates or via perhaps a close relationship with his Mosque counselor - Bilal Ahmed - he either offers OR agreed to purchase a cell phone for him which is spelled "Adrian" Syed which he picks up from the store and on January 12, 1999 - the day before he follows through with the murder we begin to see activity on his cell phone. ((NOTE: Bilal Ahmed is currently serving consecutive sentences at FCI Loretto Prison in Pennsylvania for sexually assaulting male dental patients & embezzling funds with his business partner. He was a dentist / owner of Bright Smiles. Lost practice and dental license. Bilal Ahmed also assisted the killer with sourcing a criminal attorney. )
To continue the golden-boy persona.
Date of Hire was September 21, 1998 Non-emergency medical transport driver.
Part Time
You must be 18 years of age to be certified in the State of Maryland.
Not only is there this strict age requirement there are also HOURS of courses and certification courses he would have had to take BEFORE becoming certified and these courses are NOT available to a 14 - 16-year-old which is the time he would have needed to take study and pass all the requirements.
Here are the requirement of courses and hours you must have before taking your final EMT examinations for certifications:
Maryland EMT and Paramedic applicants must firstcomplete an EMT course approved by the Emergency Medical Services Board.
The EMT B course is about 131 hours in length and the Paramedic course about 1,100 hours.
Maryland also recognizes the First Responder level as well as Cardiac Rescue Technician.
Adan Syed was 16 years old when he got his drivers license. He had just turned 17 years old when he became a driver. He could not be a certified anything in such a short span of time and with so few hours of work.
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